Book review - Fighting for the soul of general practice

Book review - Fighting for the soul of general practice

We thought this new release was an important one to blog about as it describes the stories of two practising GPs and their reality of working in a failing and highly bureaucratic system. We all seem to have our own tales of despair, anger and upset of our health service not delivering what we expect and we think there will be something in this book that everyone can relate to.

This book tells the story from the perspective of the GP and the ongoing balancing acts they have to perform; regulation vs relationships, autonomy vs standard practice, algorithm vs individual attention.

Published on the 22nd January we will have multiple copies available, contact the shop for more information.

Toes in the Water - book launch and signing

Toes in the Water - book launch and signing

The National Open Garden Scheme brochures are back

The National Open Garden Scheme brochures are back