MushRoom 3 - How are you navigating between loss and hope?

MushRoom 3 - How are you navigating between loss and hope?

Last year saw life change on a scale we have never experienced before. We are all dealing with challenges, uncertainty and loss, as well as unexpected opportunities. As 2021 unfolds, and we start to chart a course toward our new normals, the third "Mush"Room event asks "how are you navigating between loss and hope?"

Join us for a collective conversation, sharing stories and exploring useful resources and personal practices. The event will be hosted by Clare Diaper and Rosie Cooper, who will collect the ideas and information to share with the group afterward. We are meeting on Wednesday 31stMarch at 7pm

How to join in:

Please register on Eventbrite and we will send you details of Zoom link. We will be meeting online, but as the event is taking place after the 29th March we welcome you to join us in pairs or small groups from your gardens - as the weather allows, of course!

What is The "Mush"Room?

The MushRoom is a space for people who are active in their communities to connect with each other across the city, sharing ideas and resources, and improving our confidence and resilience in the work that we are doing.

'Mush' is a Southampton colloquialism for ‘mate’ and we imagined our community network as mycelium, unseen threads working ‘under the surface’ to connect people and organisations, enable communication and resource sharing, and break down dead structures to promote new growth. With a distinct focus on ‘our place’ (both physical and personal) we hope to create a space to nurture connections old and new, strengthening the whole as we learn from each others experiences and perspectives.

The "Mush"Room is a collaboration between three Southampton community focused organisations, us here at October Books and:

The Southampton Collective, a social enterprise set up in 2016 to support projects with people at the centre, achieving their hopes for the city.

SO:linked, a city-wide network providing advice, support and signposting to Southampton communities.

Our March opening ours are:

Mon / Wed / Fri / Sat

From 10am - 4pm

Please note. The shop floor will be open for the sale of essential food and household items. We will not be open for you to browse our bookshelves, but if you have ordered books or household items online or via the phone you will be able to collect them during these opening hours! Shop online today!

You will see we have a QR code at the door, if you have the NHS COVID-19 app downloaded to your smart phone please scan this as you enter the shop as you enter the shop.

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