Indie Spotlight: Fum d’Estampa Press

Indie Spotlight: Fum d’Estampa Press

In the shop this week, we are thrilled to showcase several titles from Fum d’Estampa Press, a rising star in the world of independent publishing. Founded in 2020 by Douglas Suttle, this relatively young press has swiftly etched its mark on the literary landscape, carving out a niche for itself in the anglosphere.

What sets Fum d’Estampa Press apart is its unwavering dedication to bridging linguistic and cultural divides through the power of translation. In a world where literature often remains confined within linguistic boundaries, Fum d’Estampa Press brings significant works from diverse languages into the English-speaking world. By doing so, they not only enrich the literary tapestry but also amplify voices that would otherwise remain unheard.

Operating from dual headquarters in Barcelona and London, Fum d’Estampa Press has cultivated a reputation for excellence in collaboration, working closely with some of the most dynamic and renowned translators of our time. These partnerships have resulted in the publication of works that resonate deeply with readers, transcending geographical and linguistic barriers.

The press's commitment to showcasing the richness of Catalan literature, a language historically repressed, is particularly commendable. Through their translations of Catalan works, Fum d’Estampa Press not only celebrates the cultural heritage of Catalonia but also brings attention to voices that have long been marginalized.

Moreover, Fum d’Estampa Press has demonstrated a willingness to evolve and expand its horizons. While initially focused on Catalan literature, they have since broadened their scope to encompass translations from languages such as French, Spanish, and Norwegian. This expansion not only reflects their commitment to diversity but also underscores their willingness to explore new literary territories.

In an era dominated by conglomerates and mass production, the significance of indie publishers like Fum d’Estampa Press cannot be overstated. These smaller, often fiercely independent entities serve as vital incubators for literary talent, nurturing creativity and fostering innovation. Moreover, they play a crucial role in preserving cultural diversity and ensuring that a plurality of voices is heard in the literary arena.

Stress Awareness month

Stress Awareness month

Thank you to the kindness and generosity of the Art House

Thank you to the kindness and generosity of the Art House