Have you visited our refill station?

Have you visited our refill station?

Plastic pollution is very harmful to our environment, all living things and their habits. Plastic stays around in the environment for a very long time, threatening wildlife and spreading toxins. Half of the plastics produced each year is single use and around 12 million tonnes of plastic are dumped into the ocean every year.

To help reduce your use of single use plastics why not come along to the shop and use our refill station to stock up on your cleaning and toiletry products.

Our product selection includes:
- Bio handwash and sanitiser
- Bio washing up liquid and toilet cleaner
- Bio laundry liquid and softener
- Faith In Nature shampoo and conditioner and more…

Bring along your empty bottles, fill up with your favourite refill product and pop to the till to pay. Prices are per 100ml. It is super easy to use our refill station, but we are always here to help!

If you would like more information about our refill station then contact us at info@octoberbooks.org or call us on 02380 581030.

Drop in Members Meeting on 2nd March

Drop in Members Meeting on 2nd March

Meet the team: Jack

Meet the team: Jack