Creative person needed for arty recycling workshops

Creative person needed for arty recycling workshops

We’re looking for a creative person, or people to help us run a workshop recycling paper packaging.

We have absolutely loads of paper packaging material that comes in with our books (and I mean loads) and we have, on a regular basis, used it ourselves or given it to customers for wrapping books! 

It would be really amazing if we could host a regular workshop in our community space where people can make this 'waste paper' into wrapping paper (I've used lino cuts and rollers to create designs) or anything else creative. We would provide the space for free and any donations made at the workshop would go to the artist hosting the workshop. We can also provide teas and coffees and promotion. 

If all works well, longer term we could have handprinted recycled wrapping paper for sale 

Or perhaps you'd just like to take the paper away! 

Any takers? Email us a line if you are interested at clare[at]octoberbooks[dot]org

Monday - Saturday

10am - 4pm

We are back open six days a week, with the whole store open for browsing. We will still of course be taking customer orders and you will still be able to buy food and cleaning products online through our online store. 

We are able to be open 6 days a week again because of your consideration and care whilst in the shop. Though things are opening up, covid cases are still high and a lot of our staff have only received one jab. So we are asking customers to continue to leave that extra space, sanitise their hands and pull on their mask. We really appreciate it.  

You will see we have a QR code at the door, if you have the NHS COVID-19 app downloaded to your smart phone please scan this as you enter the shop.

In store now! Things Are Against Us by Lucy Ellmann

In store now! Things Are Against Us by Lucy Ellmann

In store now! Nen and the Lonely Fisherman by Ian Eagleton and illustrated by James Mayhew

In store now! Nen and the Lonely Fisherman by Ian Eagleton and illustrated by James Mayhew