In store now! We Will Not Cancel Us And Other Dreams of Transformative Justice by adrienne maree brown

In store now! We Will Not Cancel Us And Other Dreams of Transformative Justice by adrienne maree brown

A much needed re-framing of the discussion about cancel culture that recognises the validity of the pain and anger of the marginalised while also addressing some of the harm that the black and white thinking of cancel culture can cause. anne maree brown asks, how can we challenge harm and ensure accountability in a way that recognises human fallibility and potential for growth.

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We Will Not Cancel Us And Other Dreams of Transformative Justice by adrienne maree brown
Paperback RRP £5.00

Cancel or call-out culture is a fraught topic these days. Originating as a way for marginalized and disempowered people to address harm and take down powerful abusers, often with the help of social media, it is seen by some as having gone too far. But what is “too far” when you’re talking about imbalances of power and patterns of harm? And what happens when people in social movements direct our righteous anger inward at one another?

In We Will Not Cancel Us, movement mediator adrienne maree brown reframes the discussion for us, in a way that points to possible paths beyond our impasse. Most critiques of cancel culture come from outside the milieus that produce it, sometimes even from its targets. Brown explores the question from a Black, queer, and feminist viewpoint that gently asks, how well does this practice serve us? Does it prefigure the sort of world we want to live in? And, if it doesn’t, how do we seek accountability and redress for harm in ways that reflect our values?

With an Afterword by Malkia Devich-Cyril.

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