livestream: Sustainable(ish) by Jen Gale

livestream: Sustainable(ish) by Jen Gale

Thursday 2nd July

livestream - 7pm - free entry

Register your interest by getting your free ticket, instructions to join will be emailed shortly afterwards. For your security and ours, you cannot attend this talk without registering in advance first.

Join Jen Gale via ZOOM to learn how to fit sustainable living into your life, in a way that works for you.

If you want to save the planet, but your to-do list is already pretty long and remembering your re-usable coffee cup feels like a Herculean task, then ‘The Sustainable(ish) Living Guide’ is the book for you. Covering every aspect of our lives from the stuff we buy and the food we eat, to how we travel, work, and celebrate. In this talk Jen Gale will be teaching us stacks of practical, down to earth ideas to slot into your daily life, alongside a gentle kick up the butt to put your newfound knowledge into action.

Practical tips include unsubscribing from all the tempting emails that drop into your inbox with details of the newest clothing range or the latest sale, and keeping a mug next to your kettle to work out how much water you actually need to boil each time, as over filling kettles costs British households £68 million on energy bills each year.

Find out how to fit ‘sustainable living’ into your life, in a way that works for you. Change your impact without radically changing your life and figure out the small steps you can make that will add up to make a big difference (halo not included).

Jen is ordinary, knackered mum of two whose life changed when she dragged and cajoled the family into a year buying nothing new. That year changed not only what she buys, but also how she sees her place in the world. Jen recognised the power that we all have as individuals to make a difference to the things we care about, simply through getting informed about the impact of our daily choices, and figuring out easy swaps and changes. The family are still (just about) talking to her and they live in Wiltshire where Jen writes and podcasts about all things Sustainable(ish).

The most family friendly way to start doing your bit - The Sunday Times

This user-friendly book offers plenty of practical guidelines about how we can live more sustainable lives - and save money at the same time ... From turning off our household products - devices on standby cost UK households £227m per annum - to being mindful of all the food we waste, a more sustainable way of life seems to be easy to attain - Irish Independent

I loved this book - a non judgemental, fun, inspiring approach to how we can do our bit for the planet, whilst acknowledging that we are all human! Full of practical tips and advice - this is a brilliant book for anyone with climate anxiety - Thomasina Miers OBE

Register via Eventbrite for instructions to join this ZOOM event . This is a free entry event, but if you'd like to sling October Books a donation, please do.

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