In store now! Cards by Julien Masson

In store now! Cards by Julien Masson

We have some beautiful new cards in stock of local artist Julien Masson’s work!

You might have seen Julien’s work or even met him at our recent Artists in Residence event. 

Julien is a local artist and a part of the Keeper’s Artist Collective. All of his work is ‘related to technology and our relation with it’ but also ‘random events and the unpredictability of things’ resulting in brightly coloured, complex patterns that bring to mind nature and technology at once. The cards cover a range of his artwork using different techniques and themes, but all recognisably his.

You can read more about Julien and his incredibly wide range of work here on his website.

These cards make beautiful decorations or can be sent as postcards to a loved one, and are a great way to support both your local independent bookshop and local independent artists.

You can pick up Julien’s cards in store for only £2.

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